This news can't be good for their economy which means it won't be good for our economy either! We have already been experiencing supply chain disruptions on and off for the past thirty-three months.

Contact lens and eyeglass orders are being delayed again up to four weeks for several different manufacturers. So, if you think you might need more contact lenses or new glasses, please order them now! Plus, if you have an FSA type account at work with funds saved up you can use those funds for any type products including supplements that you decide to purchase in our office and no sales tax when eye care related products including eye drops and contact lens solutions are purchased in the office.

Will the virus threat ever end? Probably not and so far, no vaccine or booster can prevent the new strains from invading your body including your eyes. The boosters may lessen your response but you can still receive and transmit the COVID virus so stay VIGILANT! Continue to wash your hands frequently or use hand sanitizers everywhere you go. While almost no one is requiring a mask at the moment it is still a good idea to wear your N95 mask anytime you are in close contact with non-family members, so please wear a mask in our office as we are often in close contact with each other while you are here.

Be Proactive! Low Saturated Fat, Low Salt, Low Refined Sugar Diet, Best Nutrition Program and Daily Aerobic Exercise plus Good Sleep Habits are all essential to having a Strong Immune Defense System to help fight off whatever microbial invaders that try to take over your Precious Body! Check out our website under Doctor Recommended Products to learn about all our key supplements for maintaining a strong Healthy Immune System. Immune Maintenance and ViraCare from the Patient One medical grade therapeutic line of supplements along with the MaxiVision Whole Body Formula and MaxiTears Dry Eye Formula all contain essential ingredients to help build a strong immune defense system.

Another unanticipated side effect from the COVID pandemic has been the increase in the amount of stress that we all have to deal with at home and in the work place. It's the number one complaint. "I'm working 12 hours per day and I still can't keep up." Sound familiar? All this extra time stuck in front a screen or on your phone creates eye strain as well as emotional stress. Please come in and make sure your glasses are up to date. At least we can help eliminate the visual stress that comes from excess screen time. The emotional stress requires a different type of therapy which comes from managing how we respond to all the new pressures on all of us each and every day. We are social creatures and not meant to be confined to our homes or offices for 10 to 12 hours every day. We all need to get out and socialize more and exercise our bodies to get those feel-good hormones pumping again! To help manage and cope with all these personal issues my friend Scarlett Lewis, after her son Jesse Lewis was murdered at the Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre on Dec. 14, 2012, has been developing the most comprehensive SEL (Social Emotional Learning) program ever created to address our children's social and emotional needs at school and at home. Since its inception it has been expanded from a school-based program to include a home and a work place program customized for all types of businesses.

Please order a copy of her new book, From Sandy Hook To The World, available on Amazon. It's a very moving, inspiring and proactive approach to our lack of SEL skills that were never really taught to us as children when we were in school. Scarlett's new book is a guide for a happier, healthier "Life Style" at home, at school and at work. A must read for every parent!

To help Scarlett spread Jesse's message of Nurturing Healing Love, I sat down on Feb. 26th and wrote a song for her to be able to use in the schools as an aid to help teach young school children the principles of the Choose Love Formula. Please click on the link below to view my personal video message and the second link is for the song, "Making Choices - Choosing Love" now available on YouTube. Scarlett's program can change your life at home as well so go to the to download your copy today!

Dr. Lawrence S. Forgacs announces the release of his new Choose Love Song

"Making Choices, Choosing Love" The Song!

Be Active, Eat Well and BE Kind to Yourself, Your Body and Fellow Humans. Remember we are members of the Human Race!

Live in Peace, Forgacs O.D., F.A.A.O.

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